Saturday, August 9, 2008

"Fuck you! Fuck me! Fuck the World!”

"Fuck you! Fuck me! Fuck the World!” So far in my life time, this is all I see around me. It's just another failure of our generation. We could be making a stand. Starting with simple things:
Recycling, Not driving around to…Drive around, useless spending of money(going out to eat), etc., etc., etc.
I am not going to say I do none of the above, but at the least I notice it. Does nobody else realize that we* will have no Social Security? Than on top of that our school system blows so much balls! But no one fret I have a solution for that:
First off this will take more less 10-15 years to complete, so our children will have this amazing school system not us*. High School should be 6 years. Let me repeat that b/c you did not read that wrong, “High School should be 6 years.” It’s the only way to fix what is wrong, and what is wrong is that no one wants to get up and go to college. Sure you can blame it on being lazy but I blame the schools. If we were taught with more enthusiasm in our class rooms maybe more students would start to pay more attention. It felt like I was being taught by a fucking robot, every class, every hour, and every day. The first 2 years is only general education (English, math, science), the real change is the 3rd year. The third year is all full of Intro classes (intro to auto, intro to film, intro to education, etc., etc..), semesters would only be 4 weeks. Than you move on to either another intro class or a advance class of whatever you have already taken. The last two years would only be classes to advance your intro classes. During the 2 years the school will help you find a job in the subjects that you were taking classes in. So than your really ready for college, you would know what you were doing and how to get there. In addition to the last 2 years you will have to take 1 year of political science mandatory, as well as 2 more credit hours of English and Math.

Of course most of you out there are going to say, “That sounds a lot like college.” And that is the point. So when you leave high school you know what the fuck your going to do! Instead of wasting thousands of dollars in loans only to find out that you hate that subject or school.

I’ll touch on the weed subject very quickly (this writing is not about the legalization of weed just using it as a example to help this country), weed: Legalize it and tax the fuck out of it. There economy problem solved. And If we really want to get more money…START TAXING THE FUCKING CHURCH'S! Hopefully you are all aware that no religious sanctum has ever been charged with taxes. All we have to do is charge them with property taxes that will help. If the “church” wants to be apart of every government/political election so fucking bad, than they can start participating in this country’s welfare. Pay like the rest of us, than you have a right to start saying, “Well he’s not catholic, or he doesn’t believe in religion.”

And a quick word about religion, FUCK IT! Don’t get me wrong I believe that God is real and I believe 1/16th of bible (maybe…mostly…ok almost none of the bible), but in order to achieve peace on this planet…we need to Abolish it. Abolish Religion and start living for today, instead of in guilt that we don’t go to church enough, pray enough, or pay enough to the church. Which doesn’t even donate there money where it is needed, they just keep expanding the church. So much money is given to the “church”(meaning any church) that it could easily take everyone of the homeless and give them jobs or free housing. This could be built on cemeteries that we could demo (what? George Carlin is right, we don’t need cemeteries.).

Tim Diaz

*Anyone under the age of 28 years of age.

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