Thursday, March 13, 2008

Impulse buy! It helps the economy, but than again I'm not to smart with 8Money.

I couldn't tell you how many times I have been ridiculed because i cannot spell. Well the joke is on them because the world of technology as solved that riddle for me, its called Spell Check! So that's what I have to say to that.

Grab a pocket notebook and start writing anything down, random things, recipes, ideas, or even just a list of what you did today. But the one rule is that each page has a separate entry, you always write on a new page. Than just look back at them whenever. Optional rule is to write the date and time on the page.
-I want to 9sleep but i don't because I'm bored out of my mind.
-Writing can be exhausting, but I shall continue.

10Friends are-in my eyes-are love. Because the good friends love you because you are you, and that alone is simply just 11fascinating. They will no matter what stand up for you, because they love you, and All you need is love(thank you Beatles).

[8Money: Root of everything! No money= No nothing, Lots of money=Good Times, Middle class= Giving more than it should.]
[IPhone: Amazing Technology]
[9sleep: Natures way of helping us win the ware with "Life". ]
[10Friends: Weird.
I love my friends. There are some friends that I would kill for and die for, others...well whatever.]
[11Fasincating: The best word...that i like to speak. Because people can connect that word to what they strongly believe in there soul.]

The list

This list is ever growing so adding to it happens quite frequently:

Walking in the rain
Feeding ducks
Sitting on a park bench
Playing wiffle ball-with friends
Listening to music while in a row boat floating in the water
Writing down thoughts
Saying bless you
Watching a movie…outside.
Saying, “Have a Nice day.”
Wearing the color Yellow/White
Eat fruit.
Play Super Mario Bros.(NES)
1Bathrobe or rather bathrobes

[1Bathrobe: The best thing to wear to tell people...whatever.]

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


1Learning is Fun. I wish I knew that 4 Years ago. I still don't apply myself and even now "i wont finish this"(this meaning continue to post), but I will try.

Marijuana, is not a drug. Simple as that. It is a plant. There are no hangovers, there are no serious side effects but for 3:
  1. Sleepy
  2. Happy
  3. Hungry

Be nice to all people when you go somewhere, especially to the people working. They make shit for cash, most have 2-3 jobs to make ends meet, and its not fair at them yell or bitch too. Just remember that people can't live without people who work there ass's off for penny's. Just give them a break. Also try to remember your first job and some shitty person yelling at you for a simple mistake or even something that was out of your hands like a price, the managers/crew at any store don't make the prices so don't yell at them about it, call up the corporation.

2Leeper & Tim Discussion

Leeper: Nobody should expect there food in 90 seconds.
Tim: True but they will yell and throw a fit if they don't.
Leeper: Well whatever.
Tim: I agree, Fuck'em.

I cannot explain Happiness but I have a examples. More of a list of suggestions that I have compiled to promote happiness.

[1Learning: Just do it. The internet is at your fingertips and has all the knowledge you would ever need, so just use it.]
[2Leeper: To be more precise Eric Leper: The man who saved the world from tornadoes.(Leeper stopped the tornadoes from taking over the world. Just accept it without questions).]

Monday, March 10, 2008


Life: Is all fucked up, and the only way to live is well be you. Not everything can be explained so just....chill out, drink some tea, smoke some weed and think about walking in the rain1.

2Life, is not simple. Its rather complex and full of stupid bullshit. Why do we continue to hate everyone and fill others with that same rage? People are assholes. Period. again Period. I have seen so many people that would yell and throw a damn fit over small mistakes. People who would scream at another human being over a messed up sandwich, it was a mistake come back nicely and we(they) will fix it no problem. But get all worked up?! Not necessary, I have almost gave up on us humans but there are some hopes that we can just walk around and smile, and the answer is weed. I'm sure of that. Think about it, 3Love or 4Pain can have nothing to do with life or it can have everything to do about life.

[1Walking in the rain: one of the greatest moments in one's life.]
[2 Life: Being who you are...Being who you are, and remembering who you are.]

[3Love: 1)Fun! Interesting. Complicated.
2) No Comment.]
[4Pain: 1)Something that cannot possibly be explained. Only those who have felt it.
2)Emotional pain...see above.]


I have had blogs before but this will not be one. This is a just a complied list, ideas, views, suggestions and thoughts on modern living. For instance modern living could relate to well just damn near everything. I just write down whatever idea i feel people should hear and I hope they will listen. I'm here b/c I would like the human race to become a peaceful world.

Themes/Topics will come and go and they will be mixed in with the text I'm just going to write it as i do on my Notebook.
