Thursday, March 13, 2008

Impulse buy! It helps the economy, but than again I'm not to smart with 8Money.

I couldn't tell you how many times I have been ridiculed because i cannot spell. Well the joke is on them because the world of technology as solved that riddle for me, its called Spell Check! So that's what I have to say to that.

Grab a pocket notebook and start writing anything down, random things, recipes, ideas, or even just a list of what you did today. But the one rule is that each page has a separate entry, you always write on a new page. Than just look back at them whenever. Optional rule is to write the date and time on the page.
-I want to 9sleep but i don't because I'm bored out of my mind.
-Writing can be exhausting, but I shall continue.

10Friends are-in my eyes-are love. Because the good friends love you because you are you, and that alone is simply just 11fascinating. They will no matter what stand up for you, because they love you, and All you need is love(thank you Beatles).

[8Money: Root of everything! No money= No nothing, Lots of money=Good Times, Middle class= Giving more than it should.]
[IPhone: Amazing Technology]
[9sleep: Natures way of helping us win the ware with "Life". ]
[10Friends: Weird.
I love my friends. There are some friends that I would kill for and die for, others...well whatever.]
[11Fasincating: The best word...that i like to speak. Because people can connect that word to what they strongly believe in there soul.]

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