Monday, March 10, 2008


Life: Is all fucked up, and the only way to live is well be you. Not everything can be explained so just....chill out, drink some tea, smoke some weed and think about walking in the rain1.

2Life, is not simple. Its rather complex and full of stupid bullshit. Why do we continue to hate everyone and fill others with that same rage? People are assholes. Period. again Period. I have seen so many people that would yell and throw a damn fit over small mistakes. People who would scream at another human being over a messed up sandwich, it was a mistake come back nicely and we(they) will fix it no problem. But get all worked up?! Not necessary, I have almost gave up on us humans but there are some hopes that we can just walk around and smile, and the answer is weed. I'm sure of that. Think about it, 3Love or 4Pain can have nothing to do with life or it can have everything to do about life.

[1Walking in the rain: one of the greatest moments in one's life.]
[2 Life: Being who you are...Being who you are, and remembering who you are.]

[3Love: 1)Fun! Interesting. Complicated.
2) No Comment.]
[4Pain: 1)Something that cannot possibly be explained. Only those who have felt it.
2)Emotional pain...see above.]

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